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The New Sales Tab

When a serial number is created in the Register Customer Order procedure (row type 5), some information is saved about the customer order on the serial number and is shown here under Customer order. This information will also be saved when the serial number is created in connection to the invoice printout.

If you create the serial number manually here in the Update Product Register, this information can be entered manually. All fields can be modified besides the reference fields which are loaded from the customer order. The revisions registered for this part are available in the Revision field.

Under the section Reading, you can register meter data/values (for example meter readings and running time). You will also find logs containing old meter values under the buttons called Log....

Under the button , you will see the delivery address for this serial number. This can also be modified.

Under the section Change of owner, you can change owner on this serial number as well as see owner history.

Under the section Invoice, you can see information from the invoicing.

Under the section From warranty, you will find information about the product warranty. Here you select if the product should be included in warranty. You can then enter information regarding warranty.

Under the section More about Sales, you can enter a comment for the serial number.