From Warranty

If the product should be included in warranty you check the box The product is included in warranty. The fields shown in this section can also be updated manually.

By using the setting Warranty time during sales, you can enter the length of the warranty period, if any, which should be used for a product. Enter the warranty time in months. This setting is found under the Product Register heading under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure.

When printing an invoice with a product included in warranty, the fields Warranty starts, Warranty time and Warranty expires will be updated automatically based on the length of the warranty entered in the setting. The start date of the warranty is loaded from the Actual delivery period.

Warranty Starts

The start date of the warranty. Today's date is shown for new serial numbers.

Warranty Time

The warranty time in months. The default value is loaded from the setting mentioned above.

Warranty Expires

The end date of the warranty. The date is calculated automatically based on Warranty starts + Warranty time.

Warranty Code

Here you enter the warranty code, if applicable.

The Warranty Commitment Button

Here you can enter comments regarding the warranty. You can link documents (such as warranty contracts) to the warranty by using the button . This requires the supplement Document Viewing.