You are here: Global Settings > General > Settings > Product Register

Product Register

In this section, you will find settings that apply to the product register.

Default product prefix (empty = no prefix)

Here you can enter a default prefix for products, just like you can enter a customer order prefix, etc.

Show Extra info tab in Update Product Register?

Here you can select whether or not to display the Extra info tab in the Update Product Register procedure. You can choose to show the tab with or without a table.

In this tab you can enter more additional information, if needed, in a number of text fields, date fields, integer fields and decimal fields. The field headings can be adapted to your own needs via the Property Management procedure. The information can then be used in customized reports, etc.

Warranty time during sales

Here you can enter the length of the warranty period, if any. This is entered in months. When printing an invoice with a product included in warranty, the fields Warranty starts, Warranty time and Warranty expires will be updated.