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General Information about Register Project

What is a Project?

A project is a comprehensive term that gathers many different orders, income, costs and hours. There are different types of projects, for example development projects, reconstruction projects or manufacturing projects. You enter the project number on the manufacturing order, when coding customer orders, etc. in order to link these to the project.

What Does This Procedure Do?

The Register Project procedure is used to create projects and assigning them a number and a name. You can add other general information to the project, register and report activities as well as register budgets. You will also find information about income and costs that have been ordered and reported. The time used can also be budgeted and followed-up. It is possible to print a project report.

Please note that is it not possible to make any calculations for projects with status 9 (historical).

What Does This Window Contain?

At the top of the window you will find a heading row where you enter the project number and name. Below the heading row, you will find a number of tabs containing different information about the project. These tabs are:

The tabs General, Activities, Budget and Forecast are tabs where information is entered. The other tabs are used to show information about costs, income and hours.

Apart from these tabs, you can also activate the tab called Extra info. This tab consists of a number of fields where you can enter optional information. The tab is activated by the setting called Show Extra info tab in Register Project under the Project Accounting heading under the Accounting tab in the Settings procedure.

You can use the Info menu, by right-clicking, in order to see more detailed information about a project.

By using the button you can link from the tabs Planned, Expected result and Result to the Project Summary procedure where you can see the bases from where an amount has been calculated (order numbers, registrations made directly and vouchers).

Creating Projects from Other Procedures

A project is always created in this procedure. You can start the procedure directly from the menu to create a project but you can also create a project in connection with order registration from the Register Customer Order (Sales) and Register Purchase Order (Purchase) procedures by there entering a new project in the Project number field which thereby opens this procedure.

However, this requires that you have configured a setting for both procedures. The settings are called Ask about creating new projects in purchase order rows? and Ask about creating projects in customer order rows? and can be found under Orders / Inquiries under the Purchase tab and under Orders / Quotes under the Sales tab, respectively, in the Settings procedure. If this setting is checked, a question appears when a new project is entered in connection with the order registration. If you say "Yes" to the question, the procedure will open and the project can be created. Certain information such as Project time and Customer code can be filled in by default.

Create Manufacturing Project

When the project is being created you can also create a manufacturing project with the same number and name. If you activate the setting Create manufacturing project in the Register Project, under Project Accounting under the Accounting tab in the Settings procedure, you can determine whether or not a manufacturing project should be created. The default configuration of this setting is that a Closedquestion should be displayed when saving in this procedure. The manufacturing project can later be entered on the manufacturing order.

Question regarding whether or not to create a manufacturing project.

Create Project by Using Save as...

By using the Save as... alternative in the File menu, it is possible to copy an existing project to a new project. Data from the tabs General, Activities, Budget and Forecast will then be copied to the new project. You can then also choose whether or not new text numbers should be generated for comments. If you choose not to, then only the comment text will be copied. There is also an alternative where no texts at all will be copied to the new project.

Window Functions

Recalculate. In order to update the project's costs, income and hours used you must perform a calculation. You start the calculation by clicking on the Recalculate button in the Window functions. The values that have been changed since the last calculation will then be shown in italics. The new values are saved at once, so no separate saving will be necessary.

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.