You are here: Global Settings > General > Settings > Project Accounting

Project Accounting

Use prefix on project number

Here you can select whether to use prefix when managing different project order types, and in that case if it should be possible or mandatory to use prefix in project order numbers. It is also possible to enter a default prefix with the setting below.

If any of the alternatives to use prefixes has been selected here, you can register different prefixes for project orders in the Order Types / Prefix procedure in the Global Settings module.

Show Extra info tab in Register Project?

Here you can select whether or not to display the Extra info tab in the Register project procedure. You can choose to show the tab with or without a table.

In this tab you can enter more additional information, if needed, in a number of text fields, date fields, integer fields and decimal fields. The field headings can be adapted to your own needs via the Property Management procedure. The information can then be used in customized reports, etc.

Create manufacturing project in the Register Project

By using this setting you can determine if manufacturing project shall be created when a new project is created in the Register Project procedure. You can select to create manufacturing project with or without a question. You can also select to not create manufacturing projects (no question). The default option is to receive a question asking if manufacturing project is to be created or not.

Must enter project cost type in Chart of Accounts

If Yes is selected in this setting, a warning appears when saving in the Chart of Accounts and Print Chart of Accounts procedures. This only applies when using the list types Standard and Block/Notify and if the project is marked with Yes or Mandatory but no cost type/income type has been selected.

Expected result of other cost types is loaded from:

Here you can select from where the expected result for other cost types shall be loaded in a project. You may have to load the expected result from different sources depending on how far the project has progressed. The default selection is to load the expected result from the highest value of budget, forecast, planned/ordered or result.

Planned/ordered of other cost types is loaded from:

Here you can select from where the planned/ordered costs for other cost types shall be loaded in a project. The default selection is to load the planned/ordered costs from the highest value of budget or purchase order.

User/group with complete user rights in Activity Reporting - Project

Here you can give a user or a group of users the permission to report activity for other users. This can be useful for example if there is one person who administrates, collects and enters time reports afterwards for different employees.