You are here: Accounting > Registers > Print Chart of Accounts > General Information about Print Chart of Accounts

General Information about Print Chart of Accounts

You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.

What Does This Procedure Do?

In the Print Chart of Accounts procedure, you can print the chart of accounts. Besides listing the chart of accounts, most of the account information can be shown and updated in this procedure. You can also delete accounts from the chart of accounts here.

When installing MONITOR, you have to choose which Chart of Accounts type that will be used. This is entered in the Create Chart of Accounts procedure in the Global Settings module. New accounts are registered in the Chart of Accounts procedure in the Accounting module.

There are different list types to choose from containing different information for each type. The different list types are described under Printout Samples.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

This procedure allows you to update information in the Standard list. In the Block/Notify list it is possible to block accounts for coding and also write notifications on accounts.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

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