You are here: Accounting > Project > Register Project > The Log/E-mail Tab

The Log/E-mail Tab

Under the Log/E-mail tab you can register planned and performed events/activities of a project, that have not been registered under the Activities tab.

Under the heading E-mail log you can log your e-mail correspondence with the customer by using drag and drop. You can open an e-mail message by double-clicking on it or by clicking on the button Open in the table. By using the button New e-mail you can create a new e-mail message.

If you drag the e-mail message from the e-mail program and drop it in the table E-mail log it will be logged only in the table, but if you drop it in the Activities/contacts log it will be logged both in the text log with a hyperlink and in the table. Please note that this only applies when using Microsoft Outlook

In the field under the heading Activities/contacts log, you will find a simple form of word processor for making notes regarding activities, events and other notes concerning the customer/contact. These may concern planned activities as well as already finished activities. Besides notes, you can also insert hyperlinks to websites, e-mail messages and files. To make it easier to create notes you can use the button called Insert note.