You are here: Purchase > Inquiry > Print Inquiry > General Information about Print Inquiry

General Information about Print Inquiry

What Does This Procedure Do?

Here you can print inquiries. Inquiries are created in the Register Inquiry procedure. You can print it on a preprinted form or on a blank paper. You can print an inquiry document at any time.

You can select by Inquiry number, Supplier code, Inquiry date and Our reference.

You can print the forms Inquiry or Inquiry response. You can also choose Fax, which will print a special fax form that will be sent with a fax program.

Here you can also select printout date, number of copies, whether to print external documents and if you want to include price info.

In the Form Settings procedure in the Global Settings module, you can describe how you want printouts to be handled, such as how many copies of the document you want to print, etc.

Managing Windows

The Search Form in this procedure consists of two portions. In the left portion of the window, you can select the printout by entering an interval of inquiry numbers or supplier codes. If you leave these fields empty, the system will print all the inquiries with a Status < 9. In the right portion of the window, you can select individual inquiry numbers, and also preview the printout.

Read more about the three different methods for printing purchase orders; "Preliminary selection", "Selecting individual inquiries" and "Direct printing via intervals" in the text.

Inquiry Status

An inquiry always has a particular "status", depending at what stage the inquiry is in the system. All the status levels (except for Status 3 and 6) are set by the system. The following status levels exist:

The status of an inquiry determines how and if it can be printed here. If you choose to print the Inquiry form, then only inquiries with Status 1 or 2 will be printed. If you choose to print the Inquiry response form, then only inquiries with Status between 2 or 8 will be printed.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.