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General Information about Supplier Info

Why Use This Procedure?

The Supplier Info procedure contains all the information registered on a supplier as well as different logs. Supplier Info is a central procedure in the system, since it can quickly display all the current supplier information from anywhere in the system.

It is now possible to have several windows open at the same time of the Supplier Info procedure with different suppliers loaded.

Supplier Info

You can open the Supplier Info procedure anywhere in the system by right-clicking to open the Info menu and using the Supplier Info option. The Supplier Info is then linked to the supplier that has been loaded into the open procedure.

The Supplier Info window is similar to the Update Supplier procedure, and is divided into different tabs.

In the top portion on the heading row, you load a supplier from the supplier register.

The first tab Contact info contains all the supplier’s address info and registered references, and is a combination of the information found under the Address/Terms and Info tabs in the Update Supplier procedure.

The second tab Settings / status contains information about the different settings configured for this supplier in the system, as well as information taken from different logs via a series of buttons. By using these buttons, you can easily verify the supplier’s status in the company, for example if you want to rate the current supplier.

The third tab SRM contains information about different supplier/contact activities in order to support business related events.

The system also includes a fourth tab called Extra info containing information about any optional text linked to the current customer. This tab is only available if you have configured the setting Show Extra info tab in Update Supplier?, under the section Suppliers under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure.

By right-clicking and thereby opening the Info menu, you can link to a number of procedures where the information about the current supplier will be loaded.

Please Note! The information found under the Contact Info and SRM tabs can be updated. Therefore, it is important to check the user rights in this procedure.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.