You are here: Purchase > Suppliers > Update Supplier > The Prices Button

The Prices Button

Under the Prices button you will find part links with the supplier prices. If there are linked prices, the sign # will be shown on the button. The part links can also be created as supplier links for a part in the part register. A part link is also shown as a supplier link, and vice versa.

You can also update the data for existing links, as well as add and delete links. You add new link rows by pressing Tab. Link rows are deleted by using the Delete row button.

You can only delete a current supplier link if the supplier in question is the only one or one of maximum two suppliers with a link to the part. This row is then shown in bold and italic font. If a current supplier link exists together with two or more supplier links for the part, you cannot delete the current supplier link. These rows are shown in bold font.

It is also possible to sort by current supplier under the Prices... button.

For additional description of the available fields in part links and supplier links please see the section Part Links in the Help Function for the Update Part - Purchase procedure.

If you change the currency for a supplier, a question appears asking if the prices on the part links shall be updated to the new currency. The prices will then be converted according to the exchange rate that is registered for the currency in the Currencies procedure in the Global Settings and this window with prices will open. You can also change from one foreign currency to another, for example from USD to EUR.

The planning information Lead time, EOQ, Min. quantity, Round-off quantity and Annual volume can be updated. Part Status and Current revision are shown. You will also find this planning information in the Supplier Info procedure. If the planning information belongs to another warehouse, the columns are greyed out and the text is shown in brown. Planning information belonging to another warehouse cannot be updated here. Instead, you should do it in the Update Part procedure.