You are here: Purchase > Suppliers > Update Supplier > Supplier Category

Supplier Category

Here you enter the supplier category, using max 15 characters. Category explanations must be registered in the Categories procedure in Global Settings.

These explanations can then be viewed in an information window by using the button to the right of the field. Supplier category can be used as a selection term in different lists.

In selection fields in lists the category explanation functions slightly different compared with how it works in fields where you update category. In selection fields you can select to search in specific positions by using underline characters. Each position in the category term can be given a particular meaning, which will give you a very flexible report (each position is represented by a point in the sample below).


In this example, the following positions apply:

Category Management

It is possible to activate category management for different types of categories in the system. In the Category Management procedure in the Global Settings module it is then possible to enter more advanced help texts for categories. There you can divide the category field into different sections, enter a descriptive text for the category components and also create selection lists with valid values for each category component. These will then become selectable in the drop-down which will be displayed in this field.