You are here: Purchase > Accounts Payable > Register Supplier Invoice > Invoice Type

Invoice Type

1 Debit invoice

1 Debit invoice is selected by default as the invoice type.

2 Credit invoice

If you select 2 Credit invoice, the Consecutive number field will open, where you enter the consecutive number of the debit invoice which is the basis for the credit invoice.

If the debit invoice is linked to a purchase order the tab Crediting of order will open where you then enter what have be credited.

If the debit invoice does not have a purchase order linked, a question will appear asking if you want to credit the entire invoice. If you click Yes the debit invoice's amount and coding will automatically be filled in on the credit invoice. If you click No you will have to enter the invoice amount and coding manually.

3 Interest

If you select 3 Interest, the VAT code is automatically changed to VAT code 4 (exempt from VAT). An automatic coding is also created according to the standard accounts for Penalty interest.

If the invoice is linked to an order that has a payment plan, you will to the right see which type of partial invoice it concerns: Advance, Delivery or Subsequent. This information is displayed in red.