You are here: Purchase > Accounts Payable > Outline


Under Accounts Payable in the Purchase module, you will find procedures related to the accounts payable ledger, such as registering supplier invoices, making payments etc.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Accounts Payable menu in the Purchase module of a complete MONITOR system.

Scan Supplier Invoice

This procedure is included in the supplement Electronic Invoice Management (EIM). The procedure is used to scan paper invoices as image files (.TIF) to an inbasket/inbox. The files are then saved as invoice images in the EIM database in the system and linked to the invoice's consecutive number in connection with the preliminary registration of the invoice in the Register Supplier Invoice procedure.

Register Supplier Invoice

This procedure is used to register incoming supplier invoices. You can also register credit invoices and interest invoices received from suppliers. The registration can be performed in one or two steps. During two step registration the invoices are first registered/preliminary coded and later they are final coded. If a purchase order has been registered and arrival reported, you have the option to link the order to the invoice to check the arrived quantity, amount, coding etc.

Import Supplier Invoices

(Supplement) This procedure is used to import supplier invoices received from the supplier via an EDI message.

Authorize Supplier Invoices

This procedure is included in the supplement Electronic Invoice Management (EIM). The procedure is used to authorize supplier invoices that have been preliminary registered in the Register Supplier Invoice procedure. You can also view the invoices that have been scanned in the Scan Supplier Invoice procedure.

Print Supplier Invoice Ledger / Accounting Orders

The supplier invoice ledger shows all the invoices that have been registered with a consecutive number in the Register Supplier Invoice procedure. The ledger shows each specified invoice individually, and is concluded with a total sum. If you use preliminary coding of invoices, the system creates separate ledgers for preliminary coded invoices and final coded invoices. You select the ledger type under the Create tab by choosing either Preliminary coded or Final coded.

Authorize for Payment

If you apply Authorize for payment (determined by a setting), this procedure is used to authorize the supplier invoices for payment. As a standard default, the invoices are authorized for payment when you are final coding invoices in the Register Supplier Invoice procedure.

Payment Suggestions

Here you can print the registered but unpaid supplier invoices. If you enter a payment method under the Create tab, you can also make payments using this procedure. When you save the printout, payments are made for those invoices that have been selected as approved for payment. This procedure can therefore be used as a complement to the Make Payments procedure or be used exclusively as a payment procedure when working in the Accounts Payable Ledger, if you wish.

Make Payments

This is where you register payments of supplier invoices. Incoming supplier invoices should first be registered in the Register Supplier Invoice procedure. You can also make payments in the Payment Suggestions procedure, which also allows you to let the system generate suggestions about which invoices should be paid. The Make Payments procedure is a more manual method of making your outgoing payments. Here you can pay several invoices at a time, if they are for the same supplier and paid using the same payment method.

Cancel Outgoing Payments

This procedure allows you to cancel or "undo" an invoice payment that you have executed in the Payment Suggestions or Make Payments procedures. You can cancel a payment if, for example, you by mistake ordered the payment of an invoice in the Payment Suggestions procedure. An adjustment like this should only be done while the invoice still remains in the transaction list and has not been sent to the Bank giro etc.

Print Outgoing Payment Ledger / Accounting Orders

The payment ledger shows those invoices that have been paid and concludes with a total payment amount. You register outgoing payments (payments out) in either of the procedures Make Payments or Payment Suggestions. You can classify by invoice number and date, and select by invoice number, supplier code and date. You can also print the coding of each paid invoice.

Transaction List

This procedure is used to create a list of transactions for electronic notification for LB/FB payments. The transaction list shows which payment records were created in the Make Payments or Payment Suggestions procedures that have not yet been notified. When you print a transaction list in this procedure, the system creates a payment file containing the payment bases or information that is included in the transaction list. You must first enter the file path to this payment file under the Accounts Payable heading under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure in the Global Settings module.

Confirmation LB / FB

This procedure is used when payment orders for supplier invoices have been received from the Bank giro or PlusGiro systems. This type of confirmation is only received for invoices that have been paid electronically using payment files via the payment methods LB/FB, LBI/FBI and AG (AutoGiro). The transaction list and payment file for LBI/FBI payments are created in the Transaction List procedure.

Accounts Payable Ledger

You can print lists from the accounts payable ledger from this procedure. The accounts payable ledger consists of all accounts payable that have been updated in the system. You create accounts payable in the Register Supplier Invoice procedure. You can choose to include paid supplier invoices in the printout. Paid invoices are not deleted from the ledger, but remain as a paid invoice with a rest amount of zero.

Accounts Payable Analysis

This is where you can analyze and find information about the company’s accounts payable. This procedure can be seen as a complement to the Accounts Payable Ledger procedure, mainly through the extended classification and selection options. For example, you can view the accounts payable as a total per month, as a compact total per supplier, or in consecutive number order. This procedure also allows you to analyze invoices with a certain status, for example, only registered invoices or only preliminary coded invoices.

Search Accounts Payable Ledger

Here you can search a selection of records in the accounts payable ledger. This procedure is particularly useful as a tool e.g. during reconciliation. You can search both accounts payable records (supplier debts) and payments made.

Search Supplier Invoice

This procedure is a supplement included in the MONITOR Electronic Invoice Management (EIM). The procedure is used to search among the scanned supplier invoices.

Print Not Final Coded / Blocked Invoices

Here you can print the blocked or not final coded supplier invoices. The system counts those invoices that have only been preliminary registered or preliminary coded (if you use preliminary coding) as "not final coded" invoices.

The procedure also allows you to see all the not final coded invoices that have been preliminary linked to purchase orders. You can create a preliminary link of purchase orders to invoices when a not arrival reported order is entered during preliminary registration / preliminary coding of an invoice in the Register Supplier Invoice procedure. For invoices that have been preliminary linked to orders, you can use this procedure to check if an arrival has been reported for the order in question.

Payment Forecasts

This procedure is used to print forecasts over the expected incoming and outgoing payments. The same procedure can be found in the Accounts Receivable menu in the Sales module. The information that is used as a basis for the payment forecasts is taken from the unpaid invoices in both the Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable ledgers, as well as registered purchase orders and customer orders in the order backlog. Other factors that can affect the cash flow (such as wages etc.) are not shown in this procedure. The procedure called Other Payment Flows should be used for such cash flow.

Other Payment Flows

This procedure is used to register other cash flows in order to include them in the payment forecast, for example salaries, insurances, VAT and security contributions. The procedure is used to give a better overview over the company's incoming and outgoing payments. These payments can then be seen in a list in the Payment Forecasts procedure when using the list type Detailed/other payments.

Invoice Basis

This procedure is a list of arrival reported purchase orders that have created a foundation or basis for the supplier invoices. These purchase orders have been managed in the Arrival Reporting procedure. One important function that this procedure has is the option to obtain a list of those arrival reported purchase orders but which have not yet been invoiced (= final coded). Invoices are authorized for payment in the procedures Register Supplier Invoice or Authorize for Payment (if applicable).

An invoice basis is created during arrival reporting of purchase orders only if you have configured the setting Create supplier invoice basis during Arrival Reporting? under the Accounts Payable heading under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure.

Supplier Invoice Log

Here you can print the purchase statistics in log form per supplier, part, order, and date or totaled per week, month, quarter or year. The Supplier Invoice Log procedure shows the same information as the procedures Purchase Statistics - Suppliers and Purchase Statistics - Parts.

Update Accounts Payable Ledger

Here you can register and delete records in the accounts payable ledger. The accounts payable ledger consists of all accounts payable that have been updated in the system.

On Account Payments / Set-offs

This procedure is used to register outgoing payments on account, that is, payments in advance made to suppliers. The paid amount decreases the debt to the supplier in the accounts payable at the same time as an accounting order for the payment is updated and can be printed in the Print Outgoing Payment Ledger / Accounting Orders procedure.