You are here: Purchase > Accounts Payable > Payment Forecasts > General Information about Payment Forecasts

General Information about Payment Forecasts

You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.

What Does This Procedure Do?

This procedure is used to print forecasts over the expected incoming and outgoing payments. The same procedure can be found in the Accounts Receivable menu in the Sales module.

The information that is used as a basis for the payment forecasts is taken from the unpaid invoices in both the Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable ledgers, as well as registered purchase orders and customer orders in the order backlog. Subcontract purchase orders can also be included in the forecast. Records in the forecast, loaded from customer orders/purchase orders, are adjusted so that the VAT, if any, is added to the order value. Other factors that can affect the cash flow (such as wages and social security contributions, etc.) are shown in this procedure if they are registered in the Other Payments Flows procedure.

By using the Create tab, lists can be printed in different intervals and on the date of your choice. You can select between forecasts per month, per week or per an optional number of days (the interval of your choice). The due date of the invoices will determine within which interval they will be classified. For order backlogs, the payment date is calculated according to the planned delivery period on the order plus the credit time on the order.

Supplier invoices are also included in the forecasts, even though they have been sent for electronic payment to the Bank / Post. They will only be excluded from the forecast when they have been confirmed as paid.

In these forecasts, you can choose whether to include blocked invoices or not, and whether to take the payment history into consideration.

The printouts contain information for each interval regarding the expected incoming payments, outgoing payments and the difference between these two. You can also see a total sum of already overdue invoices.

You can select your list by Accounts Receivable accounts and/or Accounts Payable accounts, Supplier and/or customer code and Currency.

Please note the following differences when calculating payment forecasts for customer orders with or without invoicing plans. On regular customer orders the payment date is calculated based on the planned delivery period of the order rows + the terms of payment in days. On customer orders with invoicing plans the payment date is calculated based on the partial invoices' expected invoice period + the terms of payment in days for each partial invoice.

Under Prinout samples you will see samples of the payment forecast.

Can Any Charts Be Displayed?

You can view some lists in chart form.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

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