You are here: Purchase > Accounts Payable > Print Outgoing Payment Ledger / Accounting Orders > General Information about Print Outgoing Payment Ledger / Accounting Orders

General Information about Print Outgoing Payment Ledger / Accounting Orders

You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.

What Does This Procedure Do?

Under the Create tab you can print an outgoing payment ledger and a total accounting order. Under the Create tab you can classify by Date, and select by Consecutive number, Supplier code, Batch Number, Date and Payment method. You can also print the coding of each paid invoice.

The payment ledger shows the coding for those invoices that have been paid and concludes with a total accounting order. You register outgoing payments (payments out) in either of the procedures Make Payments or Payment Suggestions.

This ledger concludes with a total accounting order, which is formatted like a voucher, and contains all the payments in the ledger. After printout, you can reset the ledger/accounting orders. The ledger/accounting orders can be printed to a printer or viewed on your screen. You can also preview the printout. You can see samples of this ledger, containing explanations under printout samples.

Each ledger printout is numbered according to a consecutive ledger number. When you start using your MONITOR system, you must register the start codes for each respective ledger type in the Number Series procedure in the Global Settings.

If you have the Accounting module installed, you can also use integration to transfer the accounting from the different ledgers directly to Accounting. This is entered under the heading Integration under the Accounting tab in the Settings procedure. This transfer takes place when you reset the ledger. In the Settings procedure, under the Purchase tab, you can configure a setting regarding automatic printout of ledgers/accounting orders when saving the payment.

It is the total accounting order that will be generated into a voucher in the accounting. The voucher date is configured automatically. If the ledger should contain invoices dated in two different accounting periods, the system will automatically break off at the start of a new month. A break off is also made if the periods belong to two different accounting years, for example when a ledger is printed containing invoices that are dated in both December and January and a year-end was made at the end of December. In this case, two ledgers/accounting orders are automatically printed. There is also an option that allows you to manually determine which voucher date should be recorded in the Accounting. To do this, you must use the Voucher date field. This field is only visible if you have filled in the Date To / From field under the Create tab.

If you have activated the setting Outgoing Payment Ledger with Total per Payment Date?, under the section Integration under the Accounting tab in the Settings procedure, the system automatically creates an individual ledger/total accounting order per payment date. This can be very useful as it simplifies the reconciliation of the general ledger account against the bank statement.

When integrating ledgers to the Accounting, each ledger type must be linked to a unique voucher number series in the Accounting. Those number series are defined in the Number Series and Voucher Number Series procedures in the Global Settings module.

Those invoices paid using LB/FB/LBI/FBI will generate the ledger postings for these payments after the payments have been confirmed in the Confirmation LB/FB procedure. However, this does not apply to LB/FB payments if the system setting Confirmation LB/FB? has not been activated under the section Accounts Payable under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure. In this case, you must create a manual accounting order for these payments in the Accounting module.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

There are no update options in this procedure.

Can Any Charts Be Displayed?

No charts or graphs can be displayed in this procedure.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

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