You are here: Purchase > Accounts Payable > Accounts Payable Ledger > General Information about Accounts Payable Ledger

General Information about Accounts Payable Ledger

You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.

What Does This Procedure Do?

Under the Create tab you can print lists from the accounts payable ledger. Under the section printout samples you find examples of possible printouts.

The accounts payable ledger consists of all accounts payable that have been updated in the system. Accounts payables are created when you register invoices in the Register Supplier Invoice procedure.

You can choose to include unpaid, ordered, paid or all invoices in the printout.

Ordered invoices are invoices that have been sent to the Post / Bank in a payment file. Those invoices paid electronically using LB/FB/LBI/FBI, i.e. electronic outgoing payments, will remain as unpaid ledger postings until after the payments have been confirmed in the Confirmation LB/FB procedure. Until it is confirmed, the invoice remains with rest amount in the Accounts payable ledger, together with the information about the ordered payment that is pending with the bank giro / postal giro systems (BGC/PG). Please note that the ordered invoices are also included in the list of Unpaid invoices.

A paid invoice is not deleted from the ledger, but remains as a paid invoice with a rest amount of zero. However, paid invoices can be purged in a special procedure called Purging Procedures in Global Settings, where you select to purge the Accounts payables table. You can do this on a regular basis as needed.

The invoices that are contained in the Accounts payable ledger can be loaded in the Register Supplier Invoice procedure. There you can also update certain information, such as terms of payment, due date, payment method and the authorized signer. However, the invoice's update options depend on its status.

If you choose to print paid invoices, you are given the option to choose From the date that the invoices were paid. That way you can print an Accounts payable ledger for the entire accounting year, and see each individual transaction. When you print the list, you can also indicate under the Create tab whether you want to show the invoice's accounting as well.

If you do not use the Confirmation LB/FB in the system, the invoices will be automatically updated as paid on the invoice’s due date.

This list compares the balance (residual value) in the accounts payable with the balance in the account in the general ledger. If there is a difference between the accounts payable and the general ledger you have the option to link to a reconciliation function that will reconcile the accounts payable against the general ledger day by day. For this reconciliation/comparison the list Reconciliation against general ledger is used. This list type becomes available when making certain settings in the procedure. See instruction for Reconciliation of Accounts Payable Account.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

There are no update options in this procedure.

Can Any Charts Be Displayed?

No charts or graphs can be displayed in this procedure.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

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