You are here: Purchase > Accounts Payable > Register Supplier Invoice > Supplier Code

Supplier Code

Enter a supplier code or load the PopUp feature by using F4 to select a supplier from the supplier register. Suppliers are registered in the Update Supplier procedure. You can also access a supplier by entering the bank giro or postal giro number in these fields.

If the supplier is blocked for registration of supplier invoices, a message appears informing you that you cannot register the invoice. In the message you can also see the cause of the block. In the Update Supplier procedure it is possible to create a block or notification/message that will be shown when registering invoices. The supplier status also affects the invoice registration. A question about status change will appear if the supplier status is other than 1. You can register invoices no matter what answer you select.

To the right of the Consecutive number field you can see a speech bubble if there is a message registered on the supplier according to the above text. This message will open when you enter the supplier code. However, you can also open the message by clicking on the speech bubble.

If any information must be changed on an existing supplier you can link directly to the Update Supplier procedure via the Info menu.

If the setting Suggest previous supplier at arrival reporting is activated then the information of the previous supplier will remain in the Supplier code field when you save an invoice. This setting is found under the heading Accounts Payable under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure.