You are here: Purchase > Orders > Print Delivery Schedules > Printout Settings

Print Settings

In the lower part of the window there are some settings for printing of delivery schedules, as describe below.

Our reference

Select the person that should be "Our reference" for the delivery schedule. Our reference is printed in the delivery schedule's header.

Print by Part

If you select this alternative, one delivery schedule is printed for each part. Please remember that this alternative results in one e-mail message with a PDF file and XML file per part.

Sort by Part

If you select this alternative, one delivery schedule is printed for each supplier. If there are more than one part in a delivery schedule these will be included in the printout. This alternative results in one e-mail message with a PDF file and an XML file containing multiple parts.

Only Pre-selected Parts

If you choose this alternative, the delivery schedule only includes those parts that have a supplier link with the alternative Del. schedule via form configured in the Delivery schedule export field.

Only Parts with Orders or Forecasts

This alternative includes all parts that have purchase orders or forecasts in the form of purchase order suggestions. If you uncheck this alternative, all the parts that have a supplier link will be included.

Print Additional Name

If you select this alternative, the additional name of the part is included in the printout and it is shown directly under the header. In the Form Settings procedure in the Global Settings, you can determine if this setting shall be activated by default or not when the procedure is opened.

Print Purchase Comment

If you select this alternative, any purchase comment of the part is included in the printout and it is shown directly under the header. The maximum number of printed rows is determined by a setting in the Form Settings procedure. You can also determine if this setting should be activated by default when the procedure is opened. These comments are registered under the Purchase tab in the Update Part procedure.

Printout Date

Here you can select printout date that will be printed in the form header. The field shows today's date by default.


If you check this alternative, the Select number field appears where you can enter a fax number that shall be printed on the delivery schedule. The fax number is printed in the delivery schedule's header. Via a setting in the Form Settings procedure, you can determine that the fax number shall be printed by default. You can enter the fax number under the Info tab in the Update Supplier procedure for those suppliers and supplier references whose delivery schedules should be sent via fax. These numbers will then be available in this field.

If you have installed the supplement Fax Integration, this box can be checked in order to send the delivery schedules to the selected fax number. The delivery schedules are then sent directly from MONITOR via a fax program. Read more about the Fax Integration in the MONITOR Supplements chapter in the MONITOR Basics.

E-mail Address

Here you can enter an e-mail address or select an address from the supplier's or the reference's e-mail addresses, to which the delivery schedule should be sent via e-mail. Sending via e-mail is done with the button Send via e-mail under the Window functions.