You are here: Inventory > Requirements Planning > Part Info > More about Sales

More about Sales

Under More about Sales you can see the part's Setup price for sales, if it was registered for the part in the Update Part procedure under the Sales tab. Lead time to customer and Lead time quantity are also displayed.

Here you can find more general information about the part taken from the Sales module, under different buttons. This information appears in a separate window which also allows you to print the information.

At the bottom of the window you will see the Last sales price and Average sales price.

The Alloy Cost/Mark-Up Button

Here you can see and update alloy cost/mark-up.

The Customer Links Button

Here you will see any customer links that have been registered for the part. The active or current link is marked with a check mark, and shows the Customer code and Customer name in bold font. You can also see the Customer price, Currency, Discount, Contribution margin (CM), CR %, Net, Customer's part number, Comment regarding the price, Modified by, Date of modification, the Valid through date for the part, Quantity/package, Lead time to customer, Packaging part number, Package code, Pick instruction and GS1 code.

The Customer Price Log Button

Here you will find information regarding all the changed customer prices, taken from the part's customer price log: Date of price change, Price, Currency, Discount, Customer code, Customer name, Procedure the price change was made in and by whom.

The Sales Price Log Button

Here you will find information regarding all the changed sales prices for the part, taken from the part's sales price log: Date of price change, Number, Price list, Price, Currency, Procedure the price change was made in and by whom.

The Delivery Log Button

Here you can see information over reported deliveries, taken from the delivery log: Date of delivery, Order number, By whom the delivery was performed, Customer code, Quantity delivered, Price each, Revision and Customer's order number. Here you can preview the order confirmation by using the Info menu (by right-clicking).

The Serial Number Button

Here you will find information regarding any serial numbers linked to the part number: Serial number, Customer code, Delivery date, Warranty expires, Revision, Service date, Order number, Service type and Service Technician.

The Quote List button

Here you will find information about the quotes where the part is registered. The list shows quotes with status 1-9. The columns in the list are: Quote date, Quote number, Sub-number, Customer code, Customer name, Quote status, Quantity and Each.

The Invoice Log Button

Here you can see information regarding registered customer invoices for this part, taken from the Invoicing log: Date of invoice, By whom the invoicing was performed, Order number, Invoice number, Customer code, Quantity invoiced, Price each and Customer's order number. Here you can preview the invoice by using the Info menu (by right-clicking).

The Sales Statistics Button

Here you can view sales statistics such as: Year, Period, Quantity, Amount and Contribution Margin (CM).

The Comment Button

Any comments linked to the part in the Update Part procedure under the Sales tab, will be shown here. If the part also has linked files, you will see an extra button to the right that will open the Document Viewer.