You are here: Inventory > Requirements Planning > Requirement Calculation > Part Types

Part Types

Under Part types you choose which part types you want to include in the requirement calculation. The different part types that you can calculate requirements for are:

* This part type is only available if you manage packaging parts i the system.

A Common Way of Applying Requirement Calculations to Structure Parts

  1. If there are structure parts, many users choose to first perform a requirement calculation for all the M-parts and S-parts, and F-parts if needed.
  2. If any shortages occur (the available balance appears in red font), manufacturing orders are created for all the shown shortages.
  3. After that, the parts are recalculated.
  4. If the list no longer shows any shortages for these part types, you go ahead and calculate the requirement for P-parts. All the shortages that are caused by orders for the higher level M-parts and S-parts will then be shown on the P-parts in the list.
  5. And finally, purchase orders are created for all shortages for the P-parts.

Incorporated M-parts in manufacturing order that you have chosen not to stock update (via a system setting) can be ignored by the requirements planning.