You are here: Inventory > Requirements Planning > Rescheduling Suggestion - In > Printout Samples

Printout Samples

Here you will find a few printout samples of a Rescheduling Suggestion - In list. The list is always classified by Part number.

For each part number, the list shows information regarding Part Number; User (that executed the requirement calculation or netting run); Type; Order number with rescheduling suggestion; Order status; Quantity for that order; existing finish or delivery period (From); new finish or delivery period (To); Difference (number of days you are rescheduling); Available balance (for the suggested period after replanning the order); Current balance; Lead time, a check box where you check the orders that you want to Replan for this part and Lot sizing rule.

In the list you can update the new finish/delivery period as well as confirm an order as delayed. If an order is confirmed as delayed, the symbol will be shown. You will also see Supplier code, Supplier name and Initial period in this list. Please note that the order number will be shown in italic font if the order has previously been replanned in time.

Sample of a Rescheduling Suggestion - In list.