You are here: Inventory > Physical Inventory > Change Stock Location > Location


Here you enter the new stock location for the part. If there are no locations registered for the part, the field will show ******** instead. The registration is then saved by using Tab or Enter.

Multiple Stock Locations

If the part you load has multiple stock locations, you will see the window containing the multiple stock locations instead. This means that any changes you make to the locations should be made in that window, instead of in the Location field. Then you can also add several new locations. The registration is saved by using Tab or Enter per row, after you have closed the location window.

If you use multiple locations, you can also use this separate window to load a part that only has one location, or no locations registered at all.

If you have previously used multiple locations and then deactivated this setting in the Settings procedure, this window will still appear for all parts that still have multiple locations. In these cases, you cannot add new stock locations any more.

The window used to change multiple stock locations.

The window displays information about which locations that are available for the part, balance per location, last inventory date, last inventory balance, last inventory difference and the column to the far right U.I. displays if the location is under inventory or not. This column shows a code and a color for the inventory status (see below).

You can use the Add button to add another stock location for the part. These new locations will then have a zero (0) balance. If you have previously used multiple stock locations in the system and then deactivated it in the Settings procedure, the Add button will not appear.

You approve the changes in the stock locations by clicking the OK button.