You are here: Inventory > Physical Inventory > Continuous Physical Inventory - List Reporting > Alternatives


Here you can select a few alternatives to the reporting of the inventory.

Reporting Date

Here you can select a date when the reporting is made. The field shows today's date by default.

Inventory using standard units

A part that has an alternate unit registered will be inventoried in the alternate unit unless this setting has been checked. If so, the inventory will be performed in the standard unit.

Suggest saved/current balance as inventoried quantity

If a physical inventory list has been created with the Under inventory with saved balance status, you can select this setting and then the saved balance will be suggested as inventoried quantity.

Show already reported (historical)

If this setting is selected the parts that already has been inventoried will be displayed in the inventory list. These rows are displayed on a grey background and can not be updated.