You are here: Inventory > Physical Inventory > Continuous Physical Inventory - List Reporting > Printout Samples

Printout Samples

Here you can see a printout sample of the list in this procedure.

The information that is displayed in this list is part number, name, part type, location, balance, unit, alternate unit (*), inventory quantity, inventory difference, saved balance, last inventory date, last inventory balance, last inventory difference and physical inventory number. The only information you can update is inventory quantity. You can enter a description of the part's physical inventory in the C column.

The active row is displayed with a blue background. If you have checked the option to show the already reported parts, these rows will be displayed with a grey background.

By right-clicking you open the Info menu and there you can select Add location for each row (part) to create a new location. This option is only available if you use multiple stock locations.

Sample of a list.