You are here: Inventory > Physical Inventory > Continuous Physical Inventory - List > The Info Menu

The Info Menu

Under the Selection tab, you will find two specific functions by using the Info Menu in the selection list (described below).

Select Parts Above

By using this function, you select all parts located above the part in question in the same section of the list. This function is useful when you want to select all parts suitable for inventory.

Under the Default selection heading in the Create tab you can also choose if you want all parts to be selected by default. However, any requested inventory of parts from the Physical Inventory Request procedure are always selected.

Requirement Calculation

This function provides a requirement calculation with a time margin of 5 days of the parts selected to be included in the physical inventory list. The requirement calculation is based on the criteria that decide the inventory suitability that the parts have been given in the procedure, and it only affects the parts with the suitability rating 3-4.

The purpose of the requirement calculation is to be able to provide the person who will inventory the stock with a printout of the planning for the affected parts that can be brought along when performing the inventory. In the cases where a transaction recently has been performed for such a part in the stock (change in the stock balance) in connection with the inventory, you can by using the requirement calculation trace the orders that cause it.