You are here: Inventory > Stock Location System > Register Basic Data > The Coordinates Tab

The Coordinates Tab

Under this tab you enter and view information about the coordinates in the storage type. You can enter a maximum of 6 coordinates for a storage type.


Check this box in order to use the row as a coordinate. You can check the box on the last row in the table in order to add rows. If you want to delete coordinates, you uncheck the box on the second last row.


Here you will see the row number.


Here you enter a name for the coordinate, for example Zone, Section, Aisle or Level.


Here you enter how many characters the coordinate shall have by using different number of X:s. The X:s are separated by a hyphen, period or space.

You can enter a maximum of 12 characters including the separator.


Here you enter the direction in the room. You can select "X", "Y" or "-" (no direction).

Please Note! In order to be able to generate locations, you must select the alternative X.


The column Odd/Even indicates if the coordinates shall be presented in chart form where the even numbers are shown to the right and the odd numbers are shown to the left. (This can be compared with house numbers on a street where even numbers are found to the right and odd numbers are found to the left.)


Here you will see the coordinate's number of characters. It shows only how many characters the current coordinate has (the column will be totaled continuously).

Test Data

Here you can enter test data that will be displayed at the bottom of the window.

When using Format you will see the entire format for the created storage type and when using Test data you will see the entered test data. This way you will see the result of the created storage type in the lower portion of the window.