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Storage Rule Samples

You will here find samples that illustrate two search order types that can be created. Of course, more search order types can be created. The samples illustrate pallet racks viewed from front.

Search Order Based on Level - Ascending

The sample below has the format: X-XX-XX-XX, where the first position is a house, the second position is an aisle, the third position is a section and the fourth position is a level.

The system starts to search for available locations at level 00, in section 01, in aisle 14, house A. If the system can not find an available location at any level in this section, the system changes section and starts to search in section 02 at level 00. This is repeated in section 03, if needed.

Sample of search order based on level - ascending.

If the system can not find an available location in aisle 14, the search will continue in the same way as above in aisle 15 which is the next aisle in the ascending search order.

Sample of search order based on level - ascending.

There are no more aisles in house A in the sample. The search will then continue in house B in the same way as before.

Sample of search order based on level - ascending.

Search Order Based on Section - Ascending

The sample below has the format: X-XX-XX-XX, where the first position is a house, the second position is an aisle, the third position is a section and the fourth position is a level.

The system starts the search based on the lowest section with ascending level in aisle 14, house A. If the system can not find an available location at level 00, the system will search the sections at level 01. This is repeated at level 03 and 04, if needed.

Sample of search order based on section - ascending.

If the system can not find an available location in aisle 14, the search will continue in the same way as above in aisle 15 which is the next aisle in the ascending search order.

Sample of search order based on section - ascending.

There are no more aisles in house A in the sample. The search will then continue in house B in the same way as before.

Sample of search order based on section - ascending.