You are here: Inventory > Stock Location System > Register Storage Rules > The Restrictions Tab

The Restrictions Tab

Here you can enter restrictions used when searching for vacant locations. You will also find a check box called New priority for insert row.

Sample of the Restrictions tab.

Here you will find descriptions of the available columns in the table:


Shows the restriction's priority. You can create first-hand restrictions, second-hand restrictions, etc.


Here you select a coordinate. The available alternatives are Zone, Aisle, Section and Level. (A zone can be an area or a house.)


Here you select a restriction type. There are a number of operators to select from.


This is where you enter the desired value. The value can be either letters or digits depending on how the storage type is created. For example, if the coordinate Zone is entered with letters, you should also use letters in this field.

Min Value/Max Value

For some types you can enter a maximum and minimum value. This is useful if you want to create an interval, for example between aisle 1 and 3.