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In the Accounting module under the heading Budget / Forecast you find all procedures concerning the budget and forecast work.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Budget / Forecast menu in the Accounting module.

Register Budget

This procedure is used to register budget for an accounting year. A budget can be made, not only at account level, but also at cost center and cost unit levels. Both amount and quantity can be budgeted. A budget can be registered with a yearly amount that is distributed by using a budget chart or you can enter the budget value directly for each period. Budget charts must be registered in the Register Budget Chart procedure in the Global Settings module.

Copy Budget / Forecast

Here you can copy data between different accounting years in the system. Data can be copied from current year, annual financial statements, period statement and historical fiscal year. Data that cannot be copied is; result, forecast and budget.

Register Forecast

Here you can register "alternative budgets" to be able to make simulations. Each forecast is provided with a consecutive number which enables you to create several forecasts per account. Forecasts can either be registered manually for an account, cost center or cost unit, or they can be created automatically by the system. As you can create forecasts over year-endings, you have the opportunity to create e.g. current 12-months’ forecasts.

Register Budget Chart

This procedure is used to register budget charts. A budget chart, or seasonal fluctuation, is a chart that shows how large a percentage of the annual total that should be distributed between the different periods.

Print Budget

Here you can print registered budget values. These are registered in the Register Budget procedure. In the procedure you can print the budget values and quantities that are registered on each account, cost center or cost unit. The budget values can be printed for any interval and any budget year. A printout can also be made as a total of annual value or quantity per year.

Print Forecast

Here you can print registered forecast values. These are registered in the Register Forecast procedure. Forecast values can be printed e.g. for optional accounts, consecutive numbers or periods.

Print Budget Charts

This is where you print registered budget charts. These are registered in the Register Budget Chart procedure in the Global Settings module or in the corresponding procedure in the Accounting module.