Calculation Method
Here you can select among the following alternatives:
- Load saved values
This alternative does not show the current status, instead it shows the result from the last calculation (total accumulated).
- Calculate new saved values
When choosing this alternative new results are calculated for the projects when you activate Display List.
- Calculate from log records
If you have selected the list type Extended cost/income and the calculation method Calculate from log records, you can create a detailed list of the project's costs and income showing the result distributed over time. By using the selection date, you can see the project's costs and income for example during a month or any other optional time period. The outcome is loaded from the log records and the general ledger, which means that you can see the date of each reporting that has affected the project. In this list directly registered costs are displayed per Work center and Department. Costs loaded from the accounting are displayed per Cost center, cost unit and Spec. in the same list.
When selecting the list type Cost/Income WIP list and the calculation method Calculate from log records you can also select the option Transfer to stock. This enables an estimation of the Net WIP, which is the Gross WIP minus WIP to stock.