You are here: MONITOR Basics > Program Window > Program Window Functions > To Create a Property Profile

To Create a Property Profile

  1. Open the procedure in which you want to create a property profile.
  2. Then select Property Management... under Settings in the Window menu.

You will see the following guide used to create/load a property profile.

  1. Step 1, click on the Create new button.

  2. Step 2, enter a name of your choice for the property profile. By default the field will say **NEW**.

  3. Step 3, select the user/users or group/groups to which the property profile should be linked. It is possible to select more than one. In this dialog box you can also select to only show users in a certain Group, to show Only selectable users, or to show Only groups. This is selected under the Show heading at the bottom of the window.

  4. Step 4, select properties for the selected object. Note that you at the top of the dialog box still can change profile name and also for which users/groups the property profile shall apply. By using the Save button you will save the property profile.

    In the Object properties tab you will see the properties that can be used for the selected object in the procedure window.

    A selected object in the procedure window is displayed with a small yellow symbol at the top left corner. If the selected object is of the data window type you will not see a yellow symbol. Instead, the object in question will receive a pale blue/grey background.

    By using the Reset button you delete the selected property for the object and any entered text will be reset to the original mode.

    Under the Other objects tab you will see all objects that are not heading texts. Here you can select the object that should be changed and then click the Modify button. Then you will return to the Object properties tab where you can change properties for that object.

    Under the Modified objects tab you can see all objects in the procedure window for which properties have been modified.

    At the bottom of the dialog window you can, by using the Reset window button, reset all modified objects to the original mode. With the Close button you close the dialog window without saving the property profile.