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Interpret Information on the Start Page

It is important that the component information on a start page is interpreted correctly by the user. This is especially important for components where the data calculation is based on a period and a comparison is made with the previous year. This also applies to components that are affected by different settings. If you want to know more about how the components are configured, please check with the person responsible for the start page configuration at your company

See a sample below:

The component selected in the example below is Order inflow. The period is set to 30 days back and the classification of period is set to Month. This means that data will be loaded for exactly 30 days back in time, as of today's date. "Today's date" is 2012-12-14 in the example.

Order inflow 30 days back in time and a comparison made with previous year.

The bars show data within the period interval 30 days back in time as of the current date 2012-12-14.

The bars 2012-11 show the value from 2011-11-01 up to 2011-11-14 (that is, the previous year) and from 2012-11-01 up to 2012-11-14 (current year). This means that the bars do not show data for the entire month of November 2011 and 2012.

The bars 2012-12 (current month) show the value from the 1st of December up to the current date, that is, the blue bar (previous year) shows data from 2011-12-01 up to 2011-12-14 and the yellow bar (current year) is from 2012-12-01 up to 2012-12-14.

All in all, the chart shows a comparison between the previous year and the current year at the same date, it does not show the data for the whole months of November and December last year.