You are here: Global Settings > General > Form Additional Text > General Information about Form Additional Text

General Information about Form Additional Text

Why Use This Procedure?

In this window you register the additional text that can be printed at the bottom of all the forms in the system.

Additional texts can be linked to both a language and additional text group. You can insert a maximum of 8 rows containing additional text for each type of form. If you use several languages in MONITOR, you can register additional text for each language and form. Additional text groups makes it possible to use customer-specific and supplier-specific additional texts.

In order for the additional text to be printed on a form, you must configure the setting Print Additional Text to "Every page" or "Last page" in the Form Settings procedure. In that procedure, you can also indicate how many of the 8 rows of additional text that should be printed, by using the setting Number of text rows.

You can also register additional texts that will be used when the form is sent in PDF format as an attachment to an e-mail. Then the Additional text on form will be used on the form that is sent and the Additional text in e-mail message will be used as body text in the e-mail message.

You can use a number of variables in the additional text on forms and in e-mail messages.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.