You are here: Global Settings > General > Form Settings > Form Settings for Accounting

Form Settings for Accounting

Below you can see a description of the form settings to the forms in the Accounting module.

For the Project report form, some form settings (except the ones described here) correspond to the forms in the Sales and Purchase form types. See a description of these under Form Settings for Sales and Purchase.

Print Comment

If you check this setting the comment for the project will be displayed in the project report. The comment is printed above the activities in the report.

Number of Decimals for Hours

Here you can enter with how many decimals the hour value will be printed on the report. The alternative 2 decimals is selected by default.

Number of Decimals for Amount

Here you can enter with how many decimals the amount value will be printed on the report. The alternative 2 decimals is selected by default.

Show Columns

Here you can select a combination of the columns; Result, Expected resultPlanned/ordered, Budget and Forecast that will be included in the report.