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Explanation of the Columns in the Number Series Table

Voucher Series

The Voucher Series column only applies to the number series types that are linked to the Accounting module. This is where you enter the start number for the voucher series.


The Prefix column only applies for number series types for certain shipping documents. Here you can enter a prefix for package numbers to SSCC, PostNord Inrikes, PALL.ETT, PostNord Expresspaket, and DPD Utrikes. For other supported shipping documents the prefix that is applied is displayed in that number series type.

Start Code

Under the Start code column you enter the start number that shall apply for that number series type. Certain number series types are inactivated if the field contains a zero (0) or if the field is empty. For the number series types that are linked to the Accounting module, you here enter a start number for the voucher numbers.

Start and Stop

The Start and Stop columns only apply for number series types for different shipping documents. Here you enter the start number and stop number for the number series to the shipping documents that will be used and that you have received from the shipping agent. Please note that the start number also should be entered in the Start code column if that number series type should be used.

Warning Interval

The Warning interval column only applies for number series types for different shipping documents. Here you have the opportunity to enter the number of free numbers left before you receive the warning that the number series will soon end. The program constantly checks that the numbers left within the warning interval are free also considering that the number series can be rolling, that is, restarted from the start value (Start > 0). If the field is empty it means that the system checks that the following 100 numbers are free.

Example 1: Start = 17430000, Stop = 17439999, Warning interval = 200. Suppose that the number series (Start code) reaches 17439910, then the program checks that the numbers 17439911-17439999 (89 numbers) as well as the numbers 17430000-17430110 (111 numbers) are free (89 + 111 = 200 numbers). If these 200 numbers are not free, a warning appears saying that the number series will soon end.

Example 2: Start = 0, Stop = 17439999, Warning interval = 200. The warning that the number series will soon end appears when the number series reaches 17439799.