You are here: Global Settings > General > Register Accounting Year > The Register Accounting Year Window

The Register Accounting Year Window

When you open the Register Accounting Year window you should always enter the current accounting year first. If the accounting year has already been registered previously, then the window will display the current year and all the information about the accounting year that the system has loaded. If no accounting year has been registered, you must enter the year, name, period distribution, number of periods and the current period. When entering the number of periods during your first accounting year registration, the system will automatically fill in all the periods' start and end dates in the from and to fields. If you need to change the number of periods after the first registration, you must first change the field called Periods. Then place your cursor on the last period and press enter. Additional periods can then be defined to the entered number of periods.

The accounting year will be registered once you save in the procedure. You can also define and register the next accounting year. A maximum of 8 future accounting years can be registered.

When a future accounting year has been loaded, you will see a button by which you can copy the Chart of Accounts from the current accounting year.