You are here: Global Settings > General > Register Accounting Year > General Information about Register Accounting Year

General Information about Register Accounting Year

What Does This Procedure Do?

The Register Accounting Year window is used to create a new accounting year. In some cases, you can also make certain changes to an existing accounting year.

This procedure determines what the accounting year should look like when it comes to the number of periods that will be used, the first and last dates (also called the start and end dates) of the year, as well as each period's start and end dates. Therefore, a period can actually consist of something other than just a regular calendar month. See the Register Accounting Year window.

The accounting year can contain a maximum of 18 periods. However, the most usual mode is to use an accounting year containing 12 periods corresponding to the calendar months.

You can make certain modifications to the current accounting year. However, once you have started to register vouchers, you cannot change the start month. On the other hand, you may change the number of periods that the accounting year will contain. This can be done as long as the transition to the year-end closing has not yet been carried out.

The system demands that you register accounting year after you have installed a new company in MONITOR. This procedure will then be opened automatically by the system. In connection with a year change using the Switch Year procedure in the Accounting, the next accounting year is automatically setup. The system then automatically assumes that the new accounting year will have the same settings as the previous one.

The next accounting year can be setup even if you are not going to switch year yet. You will be required to do so when the budget values for the following year are about to be registered in the Register Budget procedure in the Accounting module. This must also be done when you are going to register accrual accounting that is carried over the year-end in the Accrual Accounting procedure in the Accounting module. The maximum number of future years that can be defined is 8.

Window Functions

In the Register Accounting Year procedure it is possible to delete all accounting years (including years that contain accounting). In order to do this you must first - out of security reasons - be logged on as the ADMIN user. When deleting accounting years, all balances, vouchers, budgets and forecasts will also be deleted. The purpose of this feature is to have the opportunity to clear the data in the accounting for example during a new startup of a company.

Conditions for deleting accounting years:

The current year can be deleted when:

Select Delete to delete an accounting year.

Please contact Monitor ERP System AB via phone at +46 650-766 03 to receive a password that will be used - out of security reasons - when deleting a current accounting year.

Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.