You are here: Global Settings > General > Create VAT Report > The Report Definition Tab

The Report Definition Tab

The Report definition tab consists of a table where the report is defined based on the official VAT form of the country in question. In the MONITOR system there are sets of VAT reports for a number of different countries. In addition to the Swedish VAT report there are also VAT reports for Norway, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland that you can use.

The report definition consists of the columns below.


Here you will see the row number.

Row Type

Here you can select whether a row should be of the type Heading or VAT row.


Here you enter the row number that will be displayed on the report (applies when you have selected VAT row in the column Row type). Row number can be selected from 1-9999.


Here you can enter an explanatory text for the row.


Here you select the contents of the row. The row can contain the alternatives Sales, Purchase, Output VAT, Input VAT or Total row.

To Total Row

Here you enter the number of the total row where the VAT row should be incorporated (does not apply if you have selected Total row in the Contents column).


Here you select the VAT code (applies when the alternative Output VAT has been selected in the Contents column). The VAT codes must be updated in the VAT Codes procedure in the Global Settings module.

Control Number

Here you can enter a control number for VAT control (applies when the alternatives Sales, Purchase or Output VAT has been selected in the Contents column). The control number which is entered should also be registered in the VAT control tab.