You are here: Global Settings > General > Voucher Number Series > The Voucher Number Series Window

The Voucher Number Series Window

The Voucher Number Series procedure consists of a table with three columns. Each row in the table represents a type of number series. Each number series has a start number, also enter a name in the column next to it. When the system is running, the current number is continuously updated. The number that is displayed here during system use, is the next consecutive voucher number for the next voucher registration in that number series.

Sometimes a number series may be locked or blocked. This can occur if a user is currently registering a new item that has not yet been saved. In this case, you cannot change the current number in that series. A locked number series is displayed here with a red highlight on the voucher number series row.

Vouchers can be blocked for adjustments in the Register Vouchers procedure.