You are here: Accounting > Current Accounting > Register Vouchers > General Information about Register Vouchers

General Information about Register Vouchers

What Does This Procedure Do?

This procedure is used to register vouchers in the current recording. The vouchers are here provided with consecutive voucher numbers. You can also modify vouchers and create rectifying vouchers to correct already registered vouchers.

Before you use the procedure, it is important that the related procedures have been reviewed. You will find these procedures mainly under Registers in the Accounting module, but also under General in the General Settings module. For companies that have recently started with the MONITOR system, it is also important that the opening balance has been entered. This is done in the Opening Balance procedure.

The Register Vouchers procedure consists of two different tabs:

Under the Voucher tab the vouchers are created, containing voucher rows with accounts, amounts, cost center/cost unit/projects, if any, quantity and row text.

In the upper part of the tab, voucher number series and voucher number, voucher text and voucher date are displayed.

In the lower part of the tab there are different information fields containing the balance of the current account, the current result and the difference between debit and credit. Here you can also view comments about the account. The rest of the information fields under the tab shows who created the voucher and when. If any modifications have been made of the voucher, the corresponding information is shown on the modification.

Under the Settings tab you select whether voucher texts shall be used and whether or not you wish to use AutoCoding. You also select if you wish to print accounting orders after the voucher has been registered. This is also where you create the voucher texts that shall be registered in the system.

Before the vouchers can be registered, the voucher number series have to be created. You can use 99 different number series. This way, a certain type of vouchers can be registered and saved separated from the other vouchers. Please note, that the number series 20 is reserved for periodic statements and cannot be used as the others. Read more under the Periodic Statement procedure.

If you are using the integration from sub-systems in MONITOR, you must register a number series for each sub-system. These sub-systems include ledgers for customer invoices, incoming payments, supplier invoices, outgoing payments as well as the preliminary coded supplier invoices.

The voucher number series for the different integrated ledgers are defined in the Number Series procedure in the Global Settings module. Other voucher number series are defined in the Voucher Number Series procedure in the Global Settings module. The different number series are also shown under the Settings tab in the Register Vouchers procedure. For each number series, a name and a current number in the series are displayed.

Management Accounting

If the supplement Management Accounting is installed, the column Order no. appears under the Voucher tab. There you see that the voucher rows are coded against the order number. The order number field is an "open" field that can be entered in the same way as the Spec. field, provided that it is configured as "Yes" or "Mandatory". Does not work if the field is configured "Locked". This is indicated on the account in the Chart of Accounts procedure.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.