You are here: Global Settings > Purging Procedures > Purge Edit Lock-up > The Purge Edit Lock-up Window

The Purge Edit Lock-up Window

The Purge Edit Lock-up window displays information in a table regarding the edit lock-ups that exist for records in the different registers in the database. By selecting a register in the top portion of the window, you can view any existing edit lock-ups in that register, and you can also purge these if needed.

The different registers available are: Part, Customer, Supplier, Service, Seller, Quote, Customer order, Inquiry, Purchase order, Invoice, Accounts receivable, Number series, Forms, Product, Voucher, EDI links, EDI Data, Work center, Tool, Recording terminal, Stock order, Accounts payable, Supplier invoice basis, Service order, Agreement and Packing list.

When edit lock-ups exist, a list of records with these lock-ups will appear showing information such as the ID, Name, User, Date, By procedure, and Locked (a checkbox with a check mark in it).

Once you have unchecked the check box for an edit lock-up, you must save that register using the Save function, in order to purge that particular lock-up. When saving, the system will review all the edit lock-ups that have been unchecked and will purge these, and afterwards they will also disappear from the window.