You are here: Global Settings > Printers / Users > Administer Properties > Profile Description

Profile Description

In the right part of the window, under the heading Profile description, you will see a detailed information regarding the selected object. Double-click on an object in order to here view the information.


Information about an object, a default value in the example.


Here you will see information about the group or the user for which the object is saved.


Here you can see which type of object it is. The following types exist: Default value", "Property profile" and "Filter profile".


Here you will see for which procedure the object applies.


Here you can change the description of the object.


Here you can select whether or not the object should be loaded automatically. A default value will be loaded in the Search form/Create tab when the procedure is opened, if you check this option. A filter profile or a property profile will then be loaded when the list is loaded onto your screen.


Here you can select whether or not the object should be shared for all groups/users, that is, if everyone should have the option to select the object when loading or if it should only apply for the person who created it.


In this table you can see values for the selected object. If it is a default value you will here see default values in a table. In this table you can change the values and also delete rows.


Example of a table for a default value.

If it is a property or filter profile you will here see a formula for the profile. It is possible to change the formula.


Example for a filter profile formula.