You are here: Global Settings > Printers / Users > Outline


Under Printers / Users, in the Global Settings module, you will find all the procedures that relate to registering printers, new users, user rights for different procedures, as well as updating menu texts.

If you are using a single user system, you only need these procedures to register printers. In a multi-user system, the order of priority is Printers, User Rights and Users. The Menu Text procedure need only be used if you want to establish your own names for the different procedures.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Printers / Users menu in the Global Settings module of a complete MONITOR system.


This is where you configure the printers you use in MONITOR. This procedure will link a printer in MONITOR to an installed printer in Windows. The purpose of creating printers is so that you can register default printers for each type of printout. For example, if you want your invoices to be printed on a special laser printer, and your most commonly used lists to be printed on a regular printer. These default printers are then linked at user level. Another purpose with the MONITOR printers regards special printouts as for example labels and shipping documents on Zebra-printers. In that case you need to register the Zebra-printer here and then select it as default printer for this type of printouts. This is done in the Users procedure for those users that will be working with that type of printouts.

User Rights

Here you create user groups. You should define the user rights and permissions for each group. User rights can be configured for an entire module, an entire sub-module or just for individual procedures. The modules, sub-modules and procedures can be hidden or greyed out (not available). One user can be a part of several user rights groups. This is registered in this procedure.

User Rights List

Here it is possible to load a list of the rights/permissions in the system that the different users and groups have. It is also possible for a user to be a member in several user rights groups. The different user rights will then be added for the user in question.


Here you create a list of users. Each user is linked to a group, as well as to a printer for different types of printouts. In the beginning, only the ADMIN user is configured in the system. This user has "Full access" user rights to the entire system.

User List

In this procedure you can print a list of the existing users and to what groups they belong.

Preview Access per Supplier

This procedure is used to determine which users that should be able to view the invoices that have been scanned with the supplement function MONITOR EIM (Electronic Invoice Management).

Log Selection

Here you can determine the logging types that should be active and which should not be active. This logging will then take place in the system for the activated types of log records, e.g. modification and deletion.

Modification Log List

Here you can print lists of which changes have been logged for parts, customers, manufacturing orders, invoice bases, etc.

Configuration Start Page

Here you create and configure the start pages that can be displayed in the program window for the users. A start page is then displayed when the program window is empty or when all open procedure windows are minimized. A start page contains different components that show information from the system, such as order inflow, delivery reliability to customer, etc. The information can be displayed in the form of charts, gauges and lists.

Menu Text

Here you can modify the menu texts and button texts used in MONITOR. This procedure is only used if you prefer configuring your own names instead of the default texts.

Logged-on Users

In this procedure, you use a table to view and disconnect the connections that have been created by users logged on to the system's company databases. The purpose is to provide the system administrators with an easy way of disconnecting users that have forgotten to shut down their MONITOR client, when preparing system maintenance, updates etc.

Database Administration

Here you can perform different maintenance functions in the MONITOR database. The maintenance is performed by using SQL script that is loaded and run as a file in the window. The file is created by Monitor ERP System AB's Support Center for the specific system and can be obtained from the support department for example via e-mail or an FTP account.

Update Stamp

Here you can update the annotation stamps that are used in the supplement MONITOR Electronic Invoice Management (EIM).

Administer Properties

In this procedure you have the opportunity to administer default values in the Search Forms (or Create tabs), property and filer profiles as objects. The procedure provides a good overview of all these saved values and profiles.