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General Information about Database Administration

Why Use This Procedure?

Please Note! This procedure should only be used by the administrator (the ADMIN user) and in consultation with the support department at Monitor ERP System AB.

The main purpose of the procedure is to be able to carry out different maintenance tasks in the MONITOR database. The maintenance is performed by using SQL script that is loaded as a file and run in the window. The file is created by Monitor ERP System AB's Support Center for the specific system and can be obtained from the support department for example via e-mail or an FTP account.

Another function available in this procedure is to create new optimization statistics for a certain table or all tables in the database. Please note that this is normally done by the database server, and that it is only in special cases that you might need to create new optimization statistics.

A third function is that you, when needed, can change the password for the built-in ODBC user in the database. This user is used when data should be loaded from the database via ODBC links in external software programs. Since this user is "built-in" it will not be visible in the procedure where regular MONITOR-users are configured.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.