You are here: Global Settings > Printers / Users > Update Stamp > General Information about Update Stamp

General Information about Update Stamp

This procedure is included in the supplement Electronic Invoice Management (EIM).

Why Use This Procedure?

The Update Stamp procedure is used to register and update stamps. This stamp works as an annotation note, similar to a "post-it", with a finished message that you can add on an invoice.

A number of standard stamps are included in the system, but it is also possible to register your own stamps all according to your own needs. The stamps can either be used by all users in the company or it can be intended to be used by a certain user or a group of users.

The stamps can be used in the procedures Register Supplier Invoice, Authorize Supplier Invoices and in the separate supplement program MONITOR Authorize which can be purchased as an addition to MONITOR. In the toolbar in the invoice viewing window in the mentioned procedures and in the separate supplement, there is a button which adds stamps on invoices.

The name and text for these standard stamps are in Swedish, but it is of course possible to register/translate stamps to other languages in the procedure.

In order to see how stamps are used, please see the section How to use stamps in the MONITOR Electronic Invoice Management chapter in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.