You are here: Global Settings > Printers / Users > Configuration Start Page > General Information about Configuration Start Page

General Information about Configuration Start Page

Why Use This Procedure?

Here you create and configure the start pages that the users can see in the program window. A start page is displayed when the program window is empty or when all open procedure windows are minimized.

The start page can also be displayed instead of the general message in the Recording Terminal. This is determined by the setting called Use start page in Recording Terminal under the heading Miscellaneous under the System tab in the Global Settings module.

A start page contains different components that show information from the system, such as order inflow, delivery reliability to customer, etc. The information can be displayed in the form of charts, gauges and lists. A start page can also contain a component that is used as a bulletin board where you can post information to the staff and another component which shows information from websites.

It is possible to create several different start pages with different contents. You can also link a start page to a certain user or group in order to give each user/group a specific start page with relevant information.

In the heading row you enter a new start page or load an existing start page. It is also possible to select if the start page in question should be used as standard.

Under the Contents tab it is possible to configure a start page.

Under the Users tab it is possible to link a start page to a certain user or a user rights group.

At the bottom of the window you can see who has created the start page and when, and also who has modified it and when.

If start page should be used in the system is determined by the setting called Use start page, under the heading Miscellaneous under the System tab in the Settings procedure.

Save as...

It is possible to save an existing start page to a new start page and thereby load all of the components to the new start page. To do this, go to File and Save as....

Window Functions

By using the button Delete you can delete a loaded start page.

Using the Navigation buttons you can skip between the different start pages.

Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.