You are here: Global Settings > Printers / Users > Logged-on Users > General Information about Logged-on Users

General Information about Logged-on Users

Why Use This Procedure?

In the Logged-on users window, you use a table to view and disconnect the connections that have been created by users logged-on to the system's company databases. The purpose is to provide the system administrators with an easy way of disconnecting users that have forgotten to shut down their MONITOR client, when preparing system maintenance, updates etc.

You can disconnect the selected connection by clicking the Disconnect button. If all users should be logged off at once, you should select all the connections in the table (except your own) and disconnect them. It will take a moment or two (approximately 20 seconds) before a disconnected connection disappears from the table. To check that all connections have been disconnected (except your own), use the Refresh button.

A user that has been completely disconnected cannot re-connect to the database without re-starting his/her MONITOR client. If they try, an error message will appear in a dialog box.

If the administrator is logged on as user ADMIN, the button Activate block for new logons is also available. By using this button, the system administrator can make sure that no users can make a new logon either in current company or in all companies. This can be very useful for example just before and during system maintenance/updates. After completed update or maintenance, the administrator can use the same button to remove the block.

Please Note! This procedure is intended only for system administrators. Therefore, you should only provide user rights to this procedure to system administrators.

Window Functions

Disconnect is used to disconnect the selected user connection. You must confirm your actions in the dialog box that appears, before the connections are disconnected.

Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.