You are here: Global Settings > Printers / Users > Log Selection > General Information about Log Selection

General Information about Log Selection

Why Use This Procedure?

In this procedure there is a table where you can activate logging of different data that have been changed in records. This logging also registers the deletion (F6) of records. The logging of changes and deleted records covers the most important registers in the database in MONITOR.

The logging of alterations can be displayed via the Modification log button in the concerned procedures (see below). The logging of deleted records can be seen in the List Deleted Data procedure in the Global Settings module.

The procedures that are covered by the modification log are:

The logging of modifications done here are of the kind that have not been logged in other existing registers. Therefore the altered prices, for example, will not be included here since they have already been logged in the Price Change Log.

Window Functions

Click Save in order to save the logging changes that have been made in the procedure.