You are here: Global Settings > Printers / Users > Printer > Margins


This is where you configure your top, bottom, left and right printout margins. These will then apply for all types of printouts for that particular MONITOR printer.

The default value is 0 which means that MONITOR's predefined printout margins for different types of printouts will be applied.

You can enter -1 in order to use the Windows printer's predefined printout margins. These will then override the printout margins in MONITOR.

It is also possible to enter a value of your own for the printout margins. The value that is entered is "PowerBuilder Units" (PBU). A guideline for this is that in 1 cm there are approximately 173 PBU.

Please note! The value for the printout margins can be interpreted differently by different drivers so the value should be tested in order to fit the driver in question. Furthermore, there are only certain drivers in Windows that support customized printout margins.