You are here: Global Settings > Tables > Invoicing Plans / Payment Plans > The Invoicing Plan Table

The Invoicing Plans Table

In the table under the Invoicing plans tab you can create invoicing plan templates that can then be used in invoicing plans for quotes and customer order. Each row represents a partial invoice.

Partial invoice type

In the partial invoice type column you will see the invoice type:

You can enter an optional number of partial invoices. However, there is a limitation; you can only have one partial invoice of the Delivery type. Such a partial invoice must also exist. Orders without a partial invoice of the Delivery type can not be saved.

Service Code

A service code is used and linked to each respective partial invoice. The service code will be regarded as an invoice row when the invoice basis is created (not on the delivery invoice).


The Percent column indicates how large a portion of the order value that will be invoiced at each occasion. You can leave the % column empty, but then you will not have the same automation during order registration.

Payment Terms

The payment terms stipulates the terms of payment that the respective partial invoice will have. For invoices that concern delivery, the payment terms' column is blocked. Instead the payment term from the order header will apply. This column is not present in the Payment plans tab that is used for purchase orders.